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Flight theory

How does the aircraft fly? before ask this question we have to know about forces acting on aircraft.There are mainly four forces acting on aircraft during flight. The primary control surfaces like Ailerons, Elevators and Rudder play leading role in flying the aircraft.

The mainly four force acting on aircraft is as follow..


Thrust is a reaction force described quantitatively by Newton's second and third laws. When a system expels or accelerates mass in one direction the accelerated mass will cause a proportional but opposite force on the system. This force pulls the aircraft in forward direction. This force is produced by engine or propeller.


Lift is the component which acts perpendicular to the air flow and it helps the aircraft to sustain/float in air.


Drag is the force which is produced due to the movement of aircraft through the air. It is a resistance to the movement of aircraft through air.


Weight is the force produced due to gravity and it acts downwards.

 Flight Theory

The lifting surfaces of an aircraft like wings and horizontal stabilizer are made up of an aerofoil cross section.
An aerofoil is the surface having more length on the upper surface than on the lower surface.When we move this aerofoil through the air, the air passes over the lower as well as upper surface. Here the air travels more distance on the upper surface than on the lower surface in the same time. So we can say that the air passes over the upper surface with high speed and with low speed over the lower surface.
Hence low pressure condition arises on the upper surface of an airfoil while the lower surface faces high pressure and we know that air moves from high pressure region to the pressure region. So, here the air moves upward by lifting the wing. Thus, the lift is generated.


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