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Aircraft parts

basic parts of fixed Wing Aircraft...

  1. Fuselage
  2. Wings
  3. Vertical stabilizer
  4. Horizontal stabilizer
  5. Engine
  6. Landing gears


The fuselage is an aircraft's main body section which contains all other parts like wings, stabilizers, landing gears, passengers,etc. Fuselage is manufactured from material which sustain all parts together. there are many types of fuselage like monocoque, semi monocoque and box struss type.


Wings are used for flight by an aircraft to create lift in air. The wings are made with aerofoil cross section. That aerofoil generates a lift when we move it through air.There are two integral parts of wing which are AILERON and  FLAPS.


Basically aileron is used to get rolling movement for aircraft. they are hinged control surfaces attached to the tailing edge of the wing of a fixed wing aircraft. Two ailerons are typically interconnected so that one goes down when the other goes up, the down going aileron increase the lift on its wing while up going aileron reduces the lift on its wing, which producing rolling movement about aircraft's longitudinal axis.


Flaps are also hinged surface on trailing edge of the wings of a fixed wing aircraft. As flaps are extended, the stalling speed of aircraft is reduced, which means aircraft can fly safely at slower speed. specially flaps are used during take off and landing. Flaps are also used on the leading edge of the wings of some high speed jet aircraft, where they may be called Krueger flaps.

Vertical Stabilizer

Vertical stabilizer or Fins are placed on rear end of fuselage or body and are intended to reduce aerodynamic side slip.


The trailing end of the stabilizer is typically movable, and called the Rudder, this allows the aircraft pilot to control yaw.

Horizontal Stabilizer

A tail plane, also known as horizontal stabilizer, is a small lifting surface located behind the main lifting surfaces of a fixed wing aircraft.


A tail plane has a hinged flap called Elevator, which allows the pilot to control the amount of lift produced by the tail plane.This is turn causes a nose up or nose down pitching moment on the aircraft, which is used to control the aircraft in pitch.


Engine is power unit of an aircraft. The engine provides the reactions for flying to the aircraft which is called as jet engine. the main parts of jet engine is compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, nozzle.There are many type of aircraft engines like piston engines, wankel engines, turbine engines,etc.

Landing Gear

A landing gear is the structure that supports an aircraft on the ground and allows it to taxi, take off and landing.

* Aileron, Elevator and Rudder are main three control surface of any aircraft.


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