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Condolences for #Uri Attacks

We strongly condemn the cowardly terror attack in Uri last day. We have to assure the nation that those behind this despicable attack will not go unpunished. Nation have to remember this bloody things till last terrorist is not killed. This is not a coincidence that all terrorist are Muslim although terrorist are not related with any religion.
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RC plane... Part 2

Continue from part 1... We seen that RC plane is powered by engine or electric motor. We can control that speed using servo motor by radio transmitter. Additional battery is used to supply power to servo motor. There is main 3 control surface as we know which is aileron, elevator and rudder. Aileron is placed on wings while elevator and rudder are placed on horizontal and vertical stabilizer respectively. So that there is 3 servo motor used for controlling this surface for engine powered plane.

RC plane.... Part 1

It is aircraft same as commercial and military aircraft. But RC plane has very small scale compare to actual plane. RC is stand for remote control. So main difference is that RC plane is controlled by remote while actual plane have hydraulic control as we know. RC plane is used to study about flight behavior of actual aircraft so that we can modified in actual plane according to flight. RC plane requires some component like small scale fuselage, power source, battery, radio, propeller,etc. There is mainly 2 type power source used in RC plane, electric powered and engine powered. For electric powered RC plane, brushless motor is used according to requirement. While for engine powered RC plane we can use gasoline engine or diesel engine. Speed of engine or motor is controlled using radio transmitter... ..Continue in part 2.

Flight theory

How does the aircraft fly? before ask this question we have to know about forces acting on aircraft.There are mainly four forces acting on aircraft during flight. The primary control surfaces like Ailerons, Elevators and Rudder play leading role in flying the aircraft. The mainly four force acting on aircraft is as follow.. Thrust Thrust is a reaction force described quantitatively by Newton's second and third laws. When a system expels or accelerates mass in one direction the accelerated mass will cause a proportional but opposite force on the system. This force pulls the aircraft in forward direction. This force is produced by engine or propeller. Lift Lift is the component which acts perpendicular to the air flow and it helps the aircraft to sustain/float in air. Drag Drag is the force which is produced due to the movement of aircraft through the air. It is a resistance to the movement of aircraft through air. Weight Weight is the force produced due to

Aircraft parts

basic parts of fixed Wing Aircraft... Fuselage Wings Vertical stabilizer Horizontal stabilizer Engine Landing gears Fuselage  The fuselage is an aircraft's main body section which contains all other parts like wings, stabilizers, landing gears, passengers,etc. Fuselage is manufactured from material which sustain all parts together. there are many types of fuselage like monocoque, semi monocoque and box struss type. Wings Wings are used for flight by an aircraft to create lift in air. The wings are made with aerofoil cross section. That aerofoil generates a lift when we move it through air.There are two integral parts of wing which are AILERON and  FLAPS. Aileron Basically aileron is used to get rolling movement for aircraft. they are hinged control surfaces attached to the tailing edge of the wing of a fixed wing aircraft. Two ailerons are typically interconnected so that one goes down when the other goes up, the down going aileron increase the lift on

Aircraft maintenance

here i just drop some of the routine  maintenance task by AMT (Aviation Maintenance Technician)... cleaning aircraft and components application of corrosion prevention compound lubricating parts draining and trouble shooting fuel systems checking and servicing hydraulics and pneumatic systems replacing components inspecting for general wear and tear  and one more new filed of aircraft maintenance is working on avionics, which deals with electronic system of aircraft. A maintenance technician for this filed are deals with parts like navigation and communication include radar, instruments, computer systems, radio communication and GPS(Global position systems). All aircrafts are required to be maintained after a certain period of flight hour or flight cycle or time period. Because proper aircraft maintenance is essential for keeping aircraft and aircraft parts in optimal condition, and ensuring the safety of pilots, crew members and passengers..

Aircraft timeline

400 B.C.   The first kites were invented by the Chinese. 1485   Leonardo da Vinci designed the ornithopter (a wing flapping aircraft). 1783   Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier launched the first passengers a duck, a sheep, and a rooster in a hot air balloon. 1849   Sir George Cayley, “The Father of Aerial Navigation,” designed the first three wing glider that lifted a person off the ground. 1891   Otto Lilienthal built the first practical glider for long flights. 1903   The Wright Brothers developed the first motor-powered airplane that a pilot could control. 1907   Paul Cornu built the first free flying helicopter. 1919   Lieutenant-Commander A.C. Reed and his crew were the first to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, making several stops, in the Curtiss Flying Boat. 1927   Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean nonstop. 1935   Amelia Earhart was the first person to fly solo across the Pacific Ocean from Hawaii to California. 1947   Chuck Yeager b